124 players have been signed up for this competition as of 8:01 AM Saturday 18th January
Robert Antonelli (Berkhamsted) |
Patrick Bancroft (East Berkshire) |
Kyle Beavis (Stover Golf Club) |
Simon Beddall (Berkhamsted) |
Paul Berry (Frilford Heath) |
Mark Bradley (Boringdon Park) |
Jason Brooks (Torquay) |
Andrew Brown (Banstead Downs) |
John Buckland (Walton Heath) |
Ian Burr (Wells Golf Club) |
David Cartledge (Burnham Beeches) |
Grant Chamberlain (Berkhamsted) |
Peter Chiang (The Shire London) |
Jason David Clarke (Berkhamsted) |
Symon Clifford (Burnham & Berrow Golf Club) |
Matt Collins (Lilley Brook) |
Andrew Cook (Cotswold Hills) |
Darren Corbett (Boringdon Park) |
Peter David Crisford (Berkhamsted) |
Mark Crompton (Tyrrells Wood Golf Club) |
Gareth Cummins (Oxfordshire (The)) |
Tony Curtis (Nene Park Golf Club) |
Tony Curtis (Lambourne Club Golf Club) |
Steve Davies (Droitwich Golf Club) |
Paul Andrew Dell (Berkhamsted) |
Barry Dodd (Great Hadham Country Club) |
Paul Earl (Tyrrells Wood Golf Club) |
Mark English (Blackmoor Golf Club) |
Michael Evans (Cotswold Hills) |
Fintan Farrelly (Shirley) |
Grant Franklin (Berkhamsted) |
Mick Garrett (Blackmoor Golf Club) |
Vince Goodenough (Broome Manor Golf Club) |
Richard Gowshall (Burnham & Berrow Golf Club) |
Paul Graham (Brokenhurst Manor Golf Club) |
John Greasley (Burnham Beeches) |
Darran Green (Berkhamsted) |
Jonny Green (Frilford Heath) |
Martin Green (East Berkshire) |
Peter Green (2.9) |
Jeff Greenacombe (Lambourne Club Golf Club) |
Dan Grice (Lambourne Club Golf Club) |
Richard Guillaume (St George's Hill Golf Club) |
John Guyatt (Sandford Springs) |
Martin Hambridge (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
Stephen Hardcastle (Berkhamsted) |
James Harding (Berkhamsted) |
Alan Harrison (Radley Golf Club) |
Craig Hawley (The Shire London) |
Andrew Hazard (Burnham Beeches) |
James Hedin (Rushmore Golf Club) |
JOHN Heseltine (Banstead Downs) |
Ian Higgins (Kingswood Golf & Country Club) |
Nick Hodgins (Berkhamsted) |
Colin Howe (West Herts) |
Mark Humphreys (Burnham Beeches) |
Darren Hunt (Mendip Spring) |
David Jenkins (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
Mark Johnson (Bedfordshire Golf Club) |
Dai Lloyd Jones (Lee-on-the-Solent Golf Club) |
Stephen Kadwell (Cotswold Hills) |
Chris Kelly (Burnham Beeches) |
Shane Kirton (Berkhamsted) |
Paul Anthony Knight (Berkhamsted) |
Brian Kopp (Lambourne Club Golf Club) |
Nick Lane (East Berkshire) |
Anthony Lenk (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
Mel Lewis (Radley Golf Club) |
Nick Lewis (Radley Golf Club) |
Mark Linsdall (Shirley Park Golf Club) |
Sean Lutt (The Shire London) |
Colin Macbeth (Berkhamsted) |
Ray Maginley (Berkhamsted) |
Steve Marrion (Tyrrells Wood Golf Club) |
Graham Marshall (Peterborough Milton) |
Warren Massey (Boringdon Park) |
Stuart McCall (Liphook Golf Club) |
Steve McCluskey (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
paul mcglinchey (Stover Golf Club) |
Paul McMullen (Frilford Heath) |
Craig McPhail (Berkhamsted) |
Gary Melvin (Boringdon Park) |
Neal Milton (Sheringham) |
Spencer Milton (West Hill) |
Chris Morgan (Berkhamsted) |
James Mullins (Berkhamsted) |
Ged OBrien (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
Alexander Oliver (Berkhamsted) |
David Orourke (Droitwich Golf Club) |
David Palmer (Drayton Park Oxfordshire Golf Club) |
David Park (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
Alan Pearce (Tyrrells Wood Golf Club) |
Daniel Phillips (Berkhamsted) |
Gordon Phillips (Burnham & Berrow Golf Club) |
Steve Prince (Burnham Beeches) |
Bruce Ray (Blackmoor Golf Club) |
Andy Rich (Stover Golf Club) |
Gavin Rogerson (Oxfordshire (The)) |
Joe Rowbotham (Stover Golf Club) |
Sam Samra (Berkhamsted) |
Martin Savage (Lambourne Club Golf Club) |
Charles Scott (The Shire London) |
Paul Scott (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
Marcus Simmons (Oxfordshire (The)) |
Ben Smith (iGolf Club) |
Richard Stevenson (Bedfordshire Golf Club) |
Alan Stickley (Came Down Golf Club) |
Mark Stickley (Came Down Golf Club) |
Niel Stradling (Goring & Streatley Golf Club) |
Andy Stubbs (West Sussex) |
Robert Sucharitkul (Banstead Downs) |
Philip Sully (Mendip Spring) |
Dave Tennant (Tyrrells Wood Golf Club) |
Steve Thompson (Tyrrells Wood Golf Club) |
Stephen Thorn (Tyrrells Wood Golf Club) |
Gary Timpson (Ferndown Golf Club) |
Paul Townsend (Berkhamsted) |
Steven Walsom (Muswell Hill Golf Club) |
Adrian Weekes (Lansdown Golf Club) |
Matthew Wigham (Berkhamsted) |
Simon Winslade (Tyrrells Wood Golf Club) |
Mark Wintersgill (Mendip Golf Club) |
Jason Young (Bedfordshire Golf Club) |
Mitchell Young (Bedfordshire Golf Club) |